If you’re interested in building a website with Proactiv Computers, you’ll be taken through an easy 6-step process. Your input counts at each stage, and you’ll be kept up to date on the progress throughout the project.

6-step Website Process


1. Consultation

TIMEFRAME: None (usually takes 1-2 weeks)

  • Initial e-mails with client, an example price is given on websites this size
  • In-person meeting, mostly for discussing functionality desired
  • Build a specification and quote

2. Evaluation

TIMEFRAME: 2 weeks

  • We will study competitors and evaluate what content should be needed for the site
  • Client contributes, comments, we re-evaluate

3. Content

TIMEFRAME: 2 weeks

  • Client should gather, write, and supply all necessary content decided upon in evaluation stage


4. Design

TIMEFRAME: 2 weeks

  • We draft a design
  • Customer contributes, comments, we re-evaluate

5. Build

TIMEFRAME: 2 weeks

  • We build the theme in WordPress/OpenCart
  • We write any functionality necessary
  • We add the content

6. Review

TIMEFRAME: 1 week for client review, 1 week for developer changes (2 weeks total)

  • Customer reviews site and requests changes (within the specification)
  • We make the necessary changes